Mobile to office

We come directly to your office no matter how big or small. We adapt the space to provide the best therapeutic massage suited to all your employers needs.

The best way to keep staff at work and prevent sickness due to injury is to factor in regular breaks throughout the day, what better than to implement office massage to provide effective care directly to staff. We will also provide injury care advice and can create bespoke rehab plans to help treat and prevent injuries.


On your pre appointment health form you will select which service you are interested in, our therapist will also assess and advise accordingly.

Contact us to discuss your BESPOKE wellness day or to discuss your specific individual needs.


Phone: 07474 955544

Massage at your desk

We can adapt any desk setup with a comfortable headrest and massage station to give you an effective back, neck, shoulder and arm massage with vital stretching and tension release. This means we can travel with you and around the office space or set up anywhere to provide that all important therapeutic break from work.

This will be great for

  • Office worker tension

  • Headache and neck pain

  • Shoulder and arm stiffness

  • Carpal tunnel injuries

  • Improve work sickness

25 minute massage treatment

Enjoy a longer break from the office with a 25 minute massage treatment. We will be able to treat 1-3 areas of tension providing much needed relief, stretching and exercise prescription.

This will be great for

  • Back, neck and shoulder tension

  • Tight and achy legs

  • Acute injuries

  • Lower back pain

  • Foot pain

Assisted Stretching

Struggle with stretching? We can provide an assisted stretch to help improve your mobility and reduce tension. Techniques include; proprioceptive neuromuscular stretching, active assisted, post isometric (after workout), static stretching.

We will also provide stretch mats and tools to help you reach your stretch goal and educate on adjustments and modifications.

This will be great for:

  • Sport recovery

  • Injury rehabilitation

  • Neck and back pain

  • Stiffness and mobility issues

  • Office posture and stress tension

Desk postural assessment

We will use an expert eye to assess your working posture and suggest improvements. We will also advise on individual postural stretches and strengthening to help improve sitting and standing biomechanics at work. As well as advising on the suitability of your office space and giving adjustments to your work station, wherever that may be.

This will be great for office workers

  • Improving posture

  • Preventing injuries

  • Improve headaches

  • Improve and prevent back pain

  • Provide exercise and stretching plan

  • Home or work office environments

Office stretch - a group morning stretch to mobilise and energise your team

Included in your wellness day we can provide a brief or extended group office stretch tailored to your requests. This could be wake up morning stretch for energising your working day, postural specific for seated or other working tasks, or flexibility and mobility focussed for injury prevention.

Office warm up - a group morning warm up to increase energy and productivity

Why not start the day in the best possible way, we will begin your wellness day with an energising group warm up, this can be tailored to your group needs providing exercise, cardio, gentle movement and whole body warm up ready for the working day. Tell us your group requirements and we will create your warm up specific to you and your work.